Precision Go Green

Written by Paul Brierley on 10th January 2017

Gary and Martin loving their new BYD

"Powered By Solar"

That's the new Precision Marketing Factory in Bury St Edmunds. With the Managing Director's Tesla parked out front there was only ever going to be one company in this town first to buy BYD.

"Our Linde was a lovely truck but just didn't last all day" explains Simon Frost.

"The BYD is great, we are generally very busy in the mornings so the truck works hard till around 11am by which time it's down to about 40%. Martin puts it on charge during his break and it lasts the rest of the day. If the night shift is running we just charge it for half hour before we leave and it goes all night"

"The ability to opportunity charge is a game changer for us, without it we'd need another truck."

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